TemplateManager365 Updates - What's changed and what's new?


Updates and Versions

Here you will find information about when we update TemplateManager365 with new features, if anything changes or if we publish a new guide. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at [email protected]


Version 2024.8

  • Fix for authentication issues when a saved token expires

Version 2024.7

  • Performance improvements for loading groups and templates
  • Add search for groups instead of loading all by default
  • When loading previously loaded group, not all groups are loaded again (faster loading)

Version 2024.6

  • Fix to enable loading all groups for tenants with many groups

Version 2024.5

  • Groups are sorted alphabetically in the groups store selection

Version 2024.4

  • Templates now also store the recipients (to, cc, bcc)

Version 2024.3

  • Fix for inline images in Outlook for Web

Version 2024.2

  • Store selection is now persisted between sessions

Version 2024.1

  • Fix for templates with multiple inline images


Version 2023.4

  • Fix to show menu items even if template or folder name is too long

Version 2023.3

  • Mailbox store is now hidden (for new users) to prevent manual changing the template store

Version 2023.2

  • Team edition released

Version 2023.1

  • First public version released